Lovely Couple Mr&MrsInnocent Frances Rwezaura
We are ready to Say Say I Do
Family in Formation
First Look At The Bride #RestitutaKokuttona Photo @bukobawadau
You made such a beatiful bride
Her Rock... his peace
Perfect !
God bless your marriage
Mc Jerry
The Gorgeous Couple
Picture Perfect!
Father and Son Moment
The Newlyweds Mr &Mrs Innocent
In your arms I'm A Better Person photo @bukobawadau
We are ready to Say Say I Do
Family in Formation
First Look At The Bride #RestitutaKokuttona Photo @bukobawadau
You made such a beatiful bride
Her Rock... his peace
Perfect !
God bless your marriage
Mc Jerry
The Gorgeous Couple
Picture Perfect!
Father and Son Moment
The Newlyweds Mr &Mrs Innocent
In your arms I'm A Better Person photo @bukobawadau